вторник, 16 декабря 2008 г.


We have seen to enhance airlines go out of business I said to have because ATA Airlines and a little hot airlines have both announced that they are closing their doors and an Alitalia looks like they might be close behind. After failing to do a deal with Air France. So what is an airline to do. Will they can really raise airfares without finding it difficult to compete against the other airlines are finding other ways to add charges. Under article upon Terminator.com cold air trouble all cards which has a number of different stories about additional fees. We talked about $25 to check a second bag but were not actually getting air for wines like Air Canada is going to charge for customer service you can buy better service if you have a problem with your flight. That is a different approach. JetBlue is joined United and charging for more like one of the rates have gone up with adult for unaccompanied minors for overweight luggage. Just a number of different things that are going on most airlines have gotten rid of the lows. Air Canada is charging two dollars for a comfort kit that which is a blanket an inflatable pillows so that looking at a number of different ways to stay in business at this point. And as if that were not bad enough, they just might be flying to Heathrow either as new terminal five was 20 years in the making count all the planning that went into it and it cost 4.3 billion pounds and in the first week that opened they had 430 flights canceled and lost 20,000 bags there hoping to straighten out all the problems this is the new home for British airways in London, and they have have all sorts of her run this problems with this new and very expensive airport. I am not sure if this is how they are planning on raising money to pay for new airport, but there was a report that someone about 4 cups of coffee at Heathrow in accelerating up at 361,514 pounds and Ј.97. As I calculate that they only have 11,890 more cups of coffee to sell to pay off the entire airport links to all of the stories can be found@theshownotesamateurtraveler.com or I would like to welcome the show will who is coming to us from Brisbane Australia but is come to talk to us about Tunisia welcome Michelle, Tunisia is obviously unusual destination, what led you to think at all what you are doing or what awaited me. My manager about to leave, you are probably all just going to Italy for a developer reputation would be long-lost off one weekly and not out of all current legal light on the field underwhelmed at Yale shuttle from Italy's has also think I am going on vacation. I had that much see your vacation did not approve because it was not interesting enough to say exactly how to me that of all the different places at once across a fiddly white Tunisia in what we do not always go about our old friend Anita was on the adult industry both a place where the elderly. Typing I am on a Star Wars fan all the way to contact the path for hedge funds personal amounted to one was planning to log in to get a little unprepared. Not identify when a long, and let us jump right in and what were the highlights of the trip for it when I am thinking on what is good for me. I think I do my thing that the writing of the people is the history surely was not until the weekend while mechanics and the old rule in the history of the cottage. They were on the other hand will run out of clean it off as well placed relatedly and the country is very different as well because in Africa and Utah hard to sell the stock expenses like he was able to withdraw an avid country regional militia youngish live in hell reserved on a Monday. A quick look at but also what you will not see the light and especially the huge malfunctioning heart of downtown and obedience movement to haunt this, could you walk us through your itinerary that are of interest, which is the capital of clue to this and that you are today clockwise around the country. They went down the software development buckled in the architecture of your pilgrimage when I took on October 30 to allow the original architecture down and doing things off the present itself. And it went around way to lock down proposal was a very large bite you in the areas well and I went to get the systems and control what you seem to miss what stands out for you but my guess that the Internet is amusing, but I really would not find this to another until we Tunisia. They had the most amazing collection of Roman and a lot of text people might say things that you do things that were the country are not using them as well with his feeling about you is a very interesting cultures had one city which has a strong French influence as well as you have the older the Arabic cockroaches will. We have a mutual holding you yet you seem quite distinctly look for Google or anything done in a very tallied with the other city was Medina guilty and then he will defeat a very crude like regular pot, which is the new talent and potential though that was a very interesting mixture of the culture and the Albany and anything particular Senate besides amusing people upon Buffalo actually impressed me as he walked down the last 210 God's people betting on cafйs and coffee speaking French, and they lock their French baggage as well as when you need it to do what I can regularly flailed look centrist or three different picture than most of us have Tunisia is very mixed out on a candlelight. I like very taken with especially on keeping the subsidy to Europe and the least he could not hold the potential to get my license and that may actually be your answer to this question but what was your biggest surprise. I look at the product will underscore that the country had one which you can contact one of expected interest is the water more northern part of Tunisia. I think the reason I think Desert, unedited documentary that he was not a good bottle of killing her run for cover of the crops and food came from the Third World to put it somewhere where the growing document in the mold was not the way to delete in the arid country with a winter of two going to get very little of the year, but they managed to catch that I must easily.org is heard that Egypt was a professor from the is arriving to see you also mentioned going to the ruins of Carthage. Is that near Tunis. Yet now they play a little too much weight do you catch a luck trying out there and doing the Lord of the on his wounds coming up throughout facility really just the right around and on top of the ruins of the old city of Carthage to talk but not that many rooms as when the Romans won the battle of no account for only a few thoughts about him about each others while walking through your cable outage was largely interest to the viciously putting them a hollow would be to visit the old port, which is now a Blake which I have been documentary that U2 iPod Internet on their labels should send writing books were a doctor would like to visit for its historical significance even do much but he one of the other podcasts I listen to a very well-done one that I would recommend is the history of Rome, and they have just finished up in a podcast talking about the Punic wars, including Hannibal and the elephants in the battle is on the right outside of Carthage and such so that is all very fresh history to me right now. Anything else we should cover before you start talking, but some of the rest of your itinerary. When the really good when the rock on which the most punishing us not to come back to them like doing it up. And then you went south from there, and when you see next week I am just going out and went in without defeat of the architecture of the data on things like Goodfellas or anything looked at the home of confidential account to the left would have a graduate that much more rounded music with the hope of them in the old center around a 10 inch square. Now describe to me it looked almost like a pluggable so built up on this Hills and so built together. But several different architecture than was expecting from your pictures into debug data descriptor including flowing the structure is the heart of the more you I get the impression that this is a ruin that people are not still living in the Europe cult of the liturgy semi picture of that this is not working for a living today put up the ruins down to is that the Gregory said with a warm on Buffalo's shooting them to more stories like this and follow the path of you to storing things like animals and crying mother was also what would you use to you to position a new one village as well for this to people in around that area are able that Google villages, which one bottle of what we abandoned the hillside villages of understanding of having abandoned under this very huge village and the footlocker model to get them feeling the middle of nowhere and come up with huge village without all focused on and you will feed into the wall look like it was wonderful and mother have returned-often I have been enjoying the serenity and one of his wounds and logic at the top of the village was headed toward the uphill. The views of tobacco, could you look out into the whole village below you and around you and you could not escape tautologically know how easy was it around the city took the train down and you drove out. So you are doing a private rental car plus the public transportation. Easy around and tenacious about ready to get him out of that if one could you explain what her son wanted was to watch anything else I have been doing along with unlikely total between Maya cities using shared taxis and Luigi dedicate a confession. Knowing that I can make it without actually until ~but not people and the government is very convenient that the content will they not add a cheap looking round hole inexpensive as it doodles for how far from the other type is one of his projects under one to untold wealth of knowledge about 15 of them are actually able to reregulate as well as for the hiding about partially out of the experience of a couple without the hassles upon Ado about is such that they can be no imagine there other places that use you really wanted to barter entities are, you can find the type of experience and the nurse was like a baton in the markets are unless the culture had changed a lot from what I have read and then went to go after these server ruins. The author that I went to a very small town gold medal, which is famous for the underground houses and installed by would know that where they filmed the longtime Fed, which is what makes Carl grew up on the data we do not you say this was their I have always assumed that that justice out that there is nothing really Tunisian about that site. Am I wrong to matter. Now it is a real hotel in that group like nothing really unofficial ballot to have put out something about what you write is an futuristic looking golden about the own that the real interest is there might ensue it was not built for the movie downloadable and are less of a gadget that have adopted i.e. budget hotels to develop a cure for antispam council to Palestine to what about the other beginning and did you stay in a hotel. How you did that. I would agree which will likely depend out that all the ugly but is that I do not know this. But that is okay. Did you find there were to be thickly good time to go about very good punk out because people did what he is one called by would look very much and they will not think I will really cannot imagine that they were good because it would become to anyone else if she were an average dealt with.' and not modern cell phone in the about houses are and prototypes with most of the towns on your itinerary that he do not they? Cannot they use the most hot like looking for a way if Michelin as they made me feel like I should so used to deliver on the vitriol felt all the unethical. She wanted was a non-flaxen on around them they ought not to taxi to a town gold tones of which is in the West. And that some one more to see town in the sense that has hotels and restaurants and all that. But if the very small and light back, and in that area there are little bit of you might choose the surrounding areas to see Bedouin villages were no benefit from the villages are south of them will present the most regard to wake up what it is worth result defeated an area. It is very located for nonsense because there are lots of tools you and I can think about where it failed ideology that hot going on tools. That would have went out and found I had actually a part of acting Gov. blogger on what I really will not want to it as such, they might be different if you are taking a package tours on the dynamics arranged. If you do one of the desert tours and elegant, but at that point I thought I made my conduct around the hot account at the end of myself around, most of the public polls and location around the IQ of many foods that contain allegations. So nominated -- the computers will not-so I have are taught to do that. We say other locations like what will they have want to host all of Canyon, which is kind and they filmed a loafing from the original of a cool movie. As you might get authority that can even for vocations that use for peddling, but does not follow the same from that first movie was filmed and hanging out with peddling an amazing thing is only thoughtful preserved inside. I had to prove if you want to do this with about 30 years ago, but what about the cheapest hotel to mail the building that we do intact and kissing interest in the interesting thing is that happened we might often regarded as non-techie scowls findable packaged with a self join you style of merchandise went on to become the whole country, wailed. These movies were filmed at the very nutrition company to a beautifully rated PG and polls had things under law as early as it is. If you wanted to say how would you find out about the implications of the scoop on where did you find out about the Star Wars locations will not be on the Internet he could do such a font of all our fellow standard credit card thoughts about developing that now I have actually got my cheapest called on what went on 12 is and could be a daughter-in-law entrenchment ended to show you what a will put some links to your website then, and the Vodafone of the more thoughtful critics enclosure. Next up will often put up I went back to because' is grown coffee in a little town called pajama supposedly beautiful flooded coal seam in the world and is very well preserved that the likely impact like the ones on the wall for missing to be with my visual order to overcome old school the passageway and walk inside the reader itself. A natural down under the theory that committed the presentation code located in as well preserved and unlock the coffee and wrong is the one which was as well for its reluctance to these in general. You sort of got talked into their instance that you were planned in restricted lakes in the confusion step was to get experts would you recommend that people go there or what type of people would recommend other critical going to a unique ABI study wealth even traveled together, because it would not be a good first half and nations. He will not be ready for a more Middle Eastern experience where you are traveling muffin notebook with a well good, but upon tables and editing expertly difficult to pay you for a formal rule. Life regarding loanwords yet to feel love of able to even think about the quality of the hotels of unbearable ego can be prepared full of good money but not until crooked website, which I did not thought of writing the work that before one expected as clean and punctual, but it would not homogenate sandalwood. It was not like he felt unsafe for it was unsanitary. It was just below more rustic, but a byproduct of the board of aikido bottom of that country hoping to convince up doing a little country publicly planning. You said you did not blow up on ever since the last-minute trip, what did you use to plan your trip. But that of an ongoing book and the best without them and why do not I have a sponsor for moment I was as often as we talk about the at about and what you found that the recommended that maybe this is what did was not a good recommendation for you, but I had all mentioned the Medina award visiting the old old for the marketplace areas on an element in a pocket of all blog and the cost is nothing they will really want and why it would quickly become like. I do not want anything and minded nondiet thought and believe they can do this without a sort of things were selling a similar and crafts. But many believe the functional Medina's more political people got up to and including them for not being the trouble with only 1.8 event in bigger cities like that a few of which it had to dominate again to very refreshing sprints, but often sending somebody to wake up-everything is negotiable. And then what do you think the guidebooks missed what should they include a mix version. But how could I calculate and admit that it did not time and some of these rules is not intelligence up. As I go by the very briefly, so you think I am going to come out the duet for both Ebert and David enjoying that what blacks away from old French, which is redirected away from that it hides big guys and guys are no punches when I went back to sleep and quite charged that the book of strange wind up into the well of moving a shopping that advertising in the Buffalo Bills pushed. And then we talked about the hotels they will rustic were there any places you stay would recommend what he wanted to cost hotels of the ones which are designed package tours and recovering well on the high end and you want to talk to people who are rooted in Asia but wondered if the nickel package holiday at the beaches and fine result of that showed that back off accommodation and ended up a commission as well was more bearable than the something everyone can talk over budget. Susie went further south, away from the coast you were saying, if you were my star resorts and more budget hotels that are boosting old molecules which have not been renovated long time that would cut but still clean and safe do you think everything about the love poems 1900 or so do hundred find a Tunisian food of the lunch looks of that which is right around the area on a government and call a brick with XP making and measurable filling in for ice cream should be taught and that is very delicious. But enough of an egg inside a pastry deep-fried in front of thousands-a big part of golden crisp, but they do it so that the youngest of money. So it is very interesting niche etc., and it is a brick dissent is a most memorable person you met the most old person would have to be the person I met when visiting the fouled canyon. That is potentially not really on the posttrial Abu do not have one type 3 where Wallace five of their body know which direction from the top of the government with the wind of that is one rule over. And finally out nowhere does present a kind was the same person was not know this. But there was that feeling where account I would begin would have been one of got it in a very friendly. A sugarcane and we got them back in full if you do not like there do into thinking off the walls. He mentioned in his broken English that a previous travel the world in the area nude dolls and in fact. I think much of the author came back he was let out of the e-mail out nowhere does present for the pop them off of the website and found them and come contract for that subcommittee could see his vanquished Acer problems getting around from one which one of you decide what French did you eventually buried travel around on the potential it any thought of having opposed language, who are very friendly and helpful whenever needed what he would shoot him before he went to was unknown how the immigration process work that gobbled the richness bought and masturbated to fog up any sure how to code currency, which means he contacted are seeking allow the country to exchange any patient instantly get it. However when you get there and you apply fully intriguing that you do not pay Indonesian did not is little in the way that I believe is that they cannot have a look at how does one get around that to what they do to take impossible of having you go out into the country's immigration without a possible for me to it I can get the money and he will back up from the couch at immigration. Going opposite direction amend-just -- but you can notice how you can speak a language for Todd and I need to find a midnight if unsettling entering country with a possible to make a that is a different system. If please did not do a lot of shopping there, you mention being a bloke in the Medina's what did you bring back the besides picture did you bring me souvenirs back up with some of the world and to keep some formations quickly have a film that went to the talk about a bunch of the pickup and is there one picture you took that captured Tunisia for you think the picture of me standing outside the igloo telefilm as if the location for the Star Wars movies. What is impressive about it is even planning on this cost across Salt Lake was as flat as father I can see a new general boob because you had to drive is going to get to it. They ignored the featureless landscape pumping so when does the fuel talk of one solitary building should add these pics to your location for a lot of hundred and.full 500 km away from that model where the interior election film was with a broadly sure that the moviemaking. As we wrap up this episode is there anything else we should tell people to going to do a trip to Tunisia from Los Angeles but while. I thank you so much one for coming on the show until his whole bit about your trip. And you could, the travelers were sown in two days.
Internet resource at the seminar went two for National Geographic traveler on photography. I review on it on my travel site, which is transmitter.com, but I would recommend it is about $200, and it takes most of Saturday, but they had to do for talk verse one certainly would put a number of pictures on covers of National Geographic and other similar magazines, and another one was more of a fine art photographer. Both came and spoke about technique, as well as how to shoot better pictures and framing and a number of different things of that sort check that out if it happens to be in your area. But you may have to wait till the next set of seminars in this summer Smith finished with the dude duties periodically in Communion news I have caused some confusion with the time for the live show. On April 12. It is going to be noon Pacific and 3 PM Eastern alliance sent out information that said a couple different times accidentally. So I will try and send us an e-mail to those of you who have e-mail for to clarify that. But noon Pacific and 3 PM Eastern time is the time for the live show on talkshow.com and check the show notes for link on how to get there first and community as a thank you to couple people who nominated the amateur traveler for a trapeze, which is the best in trouble blogging awards under the best broadcaster video blog categories of going to that. For those viewers to do more information about the iron e-mail recently from John John writes. I first want to mention that I love your show and I am an avid listener. I am also an employee of American Airlines and have the great benefit of traveling for free. That is a great benefit I am 25 years old and have no trouble to over 80 countries most of them in the past few years to my airline job of a listen to the podcast of places I have been to reminisce and places I have not been spoken by my next trip. There a lot of places I would like to see done the show mainly more the Middle East Caribbean and Africa will die hope the show is something along ones which are looking for. Also the theme song is the full song available anywhere. It is question him at times in those of you was in the show for while no answer that I have created on the wiki. They frequently asked questions, and this is the first question I put in mirror image has a link to where you can find the full theme song. Is there a question to think along the frequently asked questions that you have either asked already or have heard the answer or you think I should answer. Let me know and we can fill that out with that will start wrapping up this show again. I am hoping to talk to a number of you next week at the second amateur traveler live show on talkshow.com and the time again is noon Pacific and 3 PM Eastern. And doing all the filthy simian e-mail host of amateur traveler.com or check out the many ways to contact me@amateurtraveler.com/contact might also be interested in following my twitter feed@twitter.com/crisp 2X, and as always. Thanks so much for listening


Loving, this decides many ones and are always wanted a job in the government's Southeast Asia a few times in Thailand Vietnam talk. But in this means it was coming, but did not like that is pretty awesome putting off from some of those limits for Adams and doing here is something I read about this about for years regarding the stuff that sounds just the description on his thinking and discussing the spectrum. The descriptions of surviving freebies among artists and jungle results on the spot purchase order up some to the website. So I read about runs mainly to the magazine in the UK, and someone you can trust fund will ask for this I am doing. It. A Wallace in an article by license, so I finally got up and he said that some places after this unit has translations on Mono sign up for this yet and so that was not in the total number of people they take on this trip is and is 100th of a single on the have is I did not think it was. The unit was something else, I was in my 920 people writing them together but in fact, illegal, stopped the same time every day. Within 20 minutes, everybody split second to none, but he defined a couple of friends to ride with him in my case. My father on time with me and him and the youngest in the muscle basis is not some crazy thunder line of 100 people driving together like. And I had impression before you went your father was ill, and when you do on the trip. Yet that is what you have and what was the highlight of it was a big surprise. The trip on the surprise on based on the limit shall specify this identical to the lonely planet for a guy when I am reading it for months and planning what to and this time, because it is going to organize another route was planned out for us and so on a decided right in there with a completely open mind and the planets in much and so really the surprise is coming up in a stunning just is. How wonderful people out there that thing that surprised me most than it really came out adding a podcast for triple as we rapidly sinisterly will recommend you to listen to the podcast, but kids coming up for instance. Just Ito wanting this to say hi or the via the locals coming up to have their picture taken with the Richard captured that one sounded sounded like you were getting quite the reception on the yuan would look into the driving through these tiny villages with his incredibly well planned to take you three places where human resource would never does not reset did you talk to these these villages on people between east of the city of grapes and left in them by going through the richest blessings he starts for the kids would rather shop on just what I test my sister and mother magnets that are used to rephrase what is your group names. The unit. It has been a pleasure to meet you, but did not dissent from the compound are really just everything that is a huge lot of basic right of this beaming with his minutes are the incentives of the one you made a comment in a show about how happy that the kids were in NL and immaculately dressed. They were, and yet clearly they are coming from relatively well. Very very poor condition public from reduced their absolute lemming they have absolutely nothing in these nuts complete subsistence living these villages. But I am not Nazism as the clichй, and I was regardless of the club and the best that the unit, but it really is truly not mean. I have not seen such radiant smiles on the on kids in Europe, that even anything because of the PlayStation rooms with toys, and then throwing tantrums, but even in India can see. One argument, one fight one country and not just pregnant happiness, and it is nice to see Melanesia writing. You are running through quite a variety of terrain that you had your talking about walking a right walking writing pass the women who are harvesting cheetah in your talking about going near jungles of us preserves that still have Tigers and it was all to do what all types of India at the juicy rubbing. This is the great thing that even within one they see the huge variety of things but by slimming stop the constant dollar, which is a bit more towards them and we went in the most versatile, but certainly not as more people setting things on the beach and solemn, but very quickly we passed them to become the rural hinterland behind and immediately you doing this thousands of these villages which common subsistence farming. The basic conditions, and then we headed up and soon to some quite high mountainous regions and going up to about spies who went about 9000 feet over something Monday and other day we started off in the next morning at 9000 feet to l spectaculars that have been right on the spot this mountain crossed incredibly hot planes went through some units of the rundown towns and incentive fund of the afternoon. Through these apps to be spectacular coffee plantations were suddenly the nonfiction is lush green of these beautiful hillsides covered and then in the list -- if the jobs I am and justice for fairytale ones that really some minimum day even debates exhausted as much on private citizens. Everything seen them on the Internet that you would, and what a hard coding it compare to your expectations was the same as you expected always very different time than I did not mean that I was available in mine right as this eliminates a guide by remembered that in fact, other stories in the past enough about turns into India and God took the drug something I am doing costs and guys towards the money in the economy or stories of how people would look at retail natural gas, and the peasantry and solemn dots. You never found was the people we met the guy do not do this because we were merely because tourist sites are the people unbelievably honest and kind and good night shift. When you told one story by Mia something for somebody who would left behind a backpack were so the bag and I think that this got themselves a route to him by mistake or two from this something that is not thrown off the back of his bike and his camera in your important documents and solemn and indeed he can drive back to get back on the route that stops the conflict and realized posted by recognizing Kyoko would be. And suddenly the sky proof of concept and unjustified to guess this is not coming-will she is coming from a struggle. And then the Geneva government decided to these two guys done in the honesty to my bed with his back and forth and 20 km piggyback effect, you can use money and food for these icons done in a united world cup of tea that laser disk of the fantastic and in the end -- the tight feeling in the end, but they are not just indicative of some to humanity that I spoke about whether 11 when the other guys I think the fact that it united the food was fantastic news possible to delete to the well united on just the amazing landscapes for things which really surprised in you, I do not think that is seeing some of your pictures and in some pictures from the website would help local blinks into. I do not know that I had a mental picture of what would we should winter my Sorensen letter of what that looked like but it is very prettier and use another smells. It is so subtle like there was a range of the year view for your first comment is thinking of something tour was how wonderful they were dead and then later on I think you had women that in the driving through the countryside of Muslim things are much like that you ready you really bad announced that I am one of the things that really struck us on the first few days was driving along freebies to the countryside and you just have these wonderful smiles of jasmine in all revenues this comment and sound words and images driving through these aromas demonize the time but then had two days later, we passed through a couple of moves slightly more rundown towns him. Yet that is a problem with refuse collection in India in that it just does not exist. As far as I could see. So, what people generally do is just better things out behind the house was right in the street, which is find the most exotic of most viscous eaten by the canals, which is wonderfully everywhere, but that does not plan to mismanage and I have to say nobody can defend some of the Indian countryside in general. It is not in a business where love is my misery is generally inadequate impression can need them confronting the spider leg and impression you are writing quite a long time during the day. Where are you getting on the bike and when you get off the bike. Well, most days we left it depends how far we have to go to a number of studies, and it is not really sure that I was hundred and 20 glimpses and the longest was submitted 300 months to about sewage provinces have used 120 km and I am thinking there on a freeway and so I am thinking what a little over an hour. I am imagining exactly that is not necessarily be a non-amendment. You have most of the time, these bugs are styled infield, but I do not trust on her going faster than it was about a chief of Clinton's knowledge is one 50 mph and minute MSP infidels are you doing in 100 mph or so he it is not what you can do that speed most the time to think on her face becomes not so in these distances I think the benefits and much comes this Wednesday. September was still paying stop every hour and 10 minutes or so and maybe one half of the lunchtime that when we punish one place that I would left at seven morning so that meant getting up at 532 the dog having breakfast and pretty much as soon as it was like an invite study leaving out the subtle grueling or their inner moments here which are thinking. Why am I a motorcycle in southern India are running projects going on, but this was really like him as a series in the UK to save my company states group discount some of them elevate. But that these troublesome teenagers who have clinics and other peoples I do like the new exit was popular in the value I had images that were not groupies, having been updated in a few days but do not eat you do not let shafted to the generally about between three and five in the afternoon and we were commenting on their does not destroy going to bed at 939, but it was left up in the going up so it is this the best, but driving around in squads and it is much cooler if the focus on something so severely beaten down on the side in an Easter and thousands of how warm the heart was getting the house was about to buy all 35 through seventh grade, which I was in the 90s of their website made it up to a couple times per and spend some time as the companies have stations that this will be to work rules that I can help glad it was cooler side or is the understanding winter predators reticent about this time of year but still traumatized the special Olympic diving trip to influence pretty hot and humid and Woody and wish someone had told you before you and others on what you mean, but I would say not to worry so much in the first few days as the first two days I was just thinking. This is the suicide, and after the driving conditions us our rule, wildly tested.
But Google doing towels and dogs which are not about buses which destroyed straight towards the on the first couple mornings are thinking the above in a life and a nice life in men and women of the representative businesses might have been in the object is realized. There was a comment on other systems, but driving may have been and actions of 30 okay, relax and so do not help you manage citizens without major incident I assume. The vessels were the fewest runs must not fool them in was it every morning, we have available, chap from the leeches subsiding terrain we have had this article comprises one of which was the kind that everybody from the most interesting accident of the previous day. And we had no guide was developed posthumously known as time goes on and really it was you that one guy it is superseded under a blessing already in the legal completely run out of the unit. I am in and see things a guy who talked like that of his bike at the top of this, mounting. This is a good thing for her and one actually got a limit to the amount of on the one guy, he hit some unlikely jump to the bus bomb unexpectedly fell off when Ashby fractured. One of the business for him. Another woman that she fractured her uncle. Some members of the two major degenerative people just tumbling off that anything but the bike starting with monthly, but not a few bruises on, but not nothing to make you not like I was the last two days when it happened. He still is just thinking on my code, and when succumbing to run those thieving bastard worried that this on their own but then I go through unscathed by business. And so would you go back there sometime you see that, are you doing girl Africa and could also were. Is that of a lifetime, been there done that that is the whole Monroe Avenue to get the one-piece love on my festivals if I could I would go about doing it tomorrow and get myself in Enfield and Cairo Monday is given me the confidence to buy the other kids do some much but touring not still nothing is just the best way to set the night we could not see it we will find evidence of transport and either you really are is a settlement like your back in the landscape you & lesson. I have have the confidence in our things Clinton did until my publicity signature program in general Africa and very tempted by this balance is united to that website. I put photos on it and just accept to be stunningly good for his 3000... in the words of a given author of non-academics this stunning scenery such a good introduction to computer. One might otherwise be slightly worried about United doing a trip by this advice is somewhat organized the type we have paramedics writing amongst its units of it when people to come very quickly lose the momentum of shoulder pain accompanying a just as you have confidence on Wednesday known that these guys have spent years funding the most spectacular roots. Otherwise you might never find her she have to be wanting to neighboring traversal along the episode until you something about what might be happening. So, we are going about it for the money thinking on what goes on in some 30 things that is not the dominant particular set of generally were a were going to software for Vietnam in and I were on the continent was as I said I am in a nothing happens then I was basically because I was concentrating on to present the most writing, and I was just taking it easy. And if you do not frame of mind than you would get in without any troubles will question. And there was time to stop and take a picture or do to enjoy something is riding passenger via absolutely amazed Rizzo at it in again in the first two days discomfiting out some thoughts go to the press on good press from within in a quickly realized. You can stop emergency something amazing stop on in relief imports and then in the villages just stopped to bike. The multiprocessor woman is the lunch breaks can often have a chat to people because it allows that was the best thing that culture is when you should did have the chance to people and take photographs on in is not this crazy mouth in an economical stop you do have to press on, you do not covet them to be not because the press is certainly not that the people who Sunday but could just race to the end and I think they did not get half as much of the trip is deeply took it easy nonstop for Toledo. In another felt like it or not hunting bison, wonderful, any L-shaped washer of a notice will see words were introduced as you are doing this to him and did I set this up as a gathering place in the beginning that he wanted to give something activity in a patents. Often this is a really good in some model for tourism, because half the money from the chip is an expensive trip and costs through 9000 pounds, which is in some of them. But the idea is that you pay for one of it as much as possible in sponsorship, not the man who sent me this is something the Spanish is the commands of event will be talking about it and they just do not have this concept in front of sponsored runs as principal plants and other non-US but mutating as ambiguous as more common said people -- I think the idea is that you cover the Holocaust. The chip for sponsorship him what I did was I can set while, you know I must have agreed on some of that is so off-topic talk myself a drug that the other half from sponsorship, because even half of your money goes directly to jockeys certain amount is the path I took the night on as they help little while. The world wildlife fund, and what to do that. The project account the target population in India, Monaco charged with the mother Therese charts pool shots to get his that helps kids with HIV in India. I am such a key rent adjustments on the improvement you take that some number that where she met up with these kids have one little girl had HIV, and we are explained how that money goes towards helping to build a center for these people. And I think never got around that he has managed to raise half 1,000,000 pounds, who is running budgeting is such a good casino with another chip of a lifetime billion on Washington, but intimate posted back in country sometimes when things got great way for the something to be run and was driven. Why thank you for coming on a woods, telling them, for we started recording were worried when we talk in a day that had been listing his podcast. It seemed like I should know him because we win, his voice came on the phone. It was a voice I knew but that it is to actually meet you are talking for the first time that life was absolutely an optimistic to protest as well so it is great of a cute picture sharing a little bit about your trip with the my audience away by Noble Glover and your little more about that and your trip if they want to hear more details click wrap up the show today I have one announcement, which is in the process of signing up the first sponsor the podcast. So expect to hear more about that on future shows. I have had some traffic come to the podcast of a couple hundred unexpected listeners to the show this week. And I am afraid that something has happened to give publicity to show that I have not heard about yet. So if you could come over to the discussion boards in common in the show were somehow you are about show that would be terrific to wrap up the show tonight I am going to leave you with a song from garage band.com and the song is motorbike and the group is local radio.

воскресенье, 14 декабря 2008 г.


Right is is today show all be talking about cruises everything from your dress-up formal cruise night to barefoot cruising. This is probably to be just a little shorter show today. I only have two news items for you the first one sounds like something that should have been April 1 byline on at the Lincoln show notes to aid the world Island project into by the plan is to design. 300 islands off the coast of Dubai. These are islands that are going to be reclaimed from the sea, and they are going to be in the shape of a globe that when completed will be visible from space.

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Travel in Kenya

The first one is an update on, and yet you may recall we were ported on this show is in many other places on the unrest in Kenya. Dirt has been a letter written by the US ambassador this week. Amb. Michael Ron Berger wrote a letter to travelers and businesspeople encouraging than that now is the time to come back to Kenya, in part the letter said, I urge you to look again at Kenya is an exciting destination for tourism, and for doing business be a trade or investment in 2007 a record 102,000 Americans visited Kenya many to enjoy the richness of the country's culture and the majesty of its landscapes and unparalleled wildlife. So something to keep in mind as you are considering any travel to Africa. The other story I have for you is review of the 10 most comfortable airline economy seats. This is vertical, that is near and dear to my heart as someone who is 6 foot three, and does not necessarily enjoyable airline flights with my knees firmly entrenched in the seat pocket in front of me. So check this out and learn what airlines you might want to consider links to both of these articles in the show notes amateur traveler.com I would like to welcome the show Heather has come to us from Bristol England, and it has come to talk to us about Valencia Heather welcomed the shop is an other blogs about her travels at Heather on her travels, which will put a link in the show notes to add you would have Valencia, which is in Spain are nil very little booklets and other oranges. That is really about it, what he had PC well will shall Irani of the children he had a that he is and will that and what is it with a that library or your pages were at the or did she tried to cheat are pretty good bright futures went during April, a circle at her parents were he to have it as you are really had me wool that you could urged her molder presbyter turnabout anyone would ever have one week let us jump right into Valencia had thought, what will the highlights your trip. I will gush that I sent me running the full full day and we will time the average weekend or mice had ceased to have things pretty well against a white highlight as saying in England at Caesars angel at someone in your attic in which I shall let you write that he took a strap. I thought I did and introduced us to paint them just right. Let him see how anyone can and then he writes what has he got a TrackBack. In all a wonderful contact the modeling complex code. You are on a strictly made a futuristic buildings comes: MRI scanner things, that is just incredible to your cat. Yet, if one looks like a city of the future there. Yet CC that they cannot digest the main thing. I have had a riot act hocking girl school alien spacecraft will graveyard of dying is filled by a Wittgenstein director architect will start at touch on our builds as an easy amazing public buildings rating credible shapes in a completely different from whichever side DC-10 rabbit and a half each child who pools of water is not taking place across this idea is just a dream to the ground. Bill Owen's second go back to simply mention you mention the hospitality club. I think we have only talk about hospitality clubs on amateur traveler once and then briefly and we have talked to somebody you choose one. Tell us a little more about what that is sign up sure that everybody knows what you are talking about. Yet, she will will still cannot ask it facially lacking side and underwent a website and you can register your details on. Its really eat each other chart has used cut it off at the highest people either with accommodation or just Sunni and Shiite rounds you will been patched and tagging can authenticate the same in a particular one that releasing a course hospitality clout in an era that is cool Staffing. Well named on Eric White House and and we used it to contact out how to fully when I e-mailed him and he said he was happy to meet us in central data At times in Scotland and things get that it was a great success it has he stay within our regret helping shanks around it and taking us to nice restaurants does a patient medical as the great ones being in such really just somebody who just enjoys meeting new people who want to show them around their city into a free service and they are just doing it because they thought it would be fun. And so it is a real interesting peek into the local culture. So far wanted a little more detail. It is really great. Yet that strike think a lot of people are Had been easing then I lost people think of them as just being a pastor that night. Right couch surfing for instance focuses on are probably right. Also people might not want to have a strange also the night. It is said about neat seeing someone she could yet charming when you are a but it does not have to be that just accommodation can just get out and meet for drinks chats Neil spent an evening spent that said that is what we did excellent, and I think I interrupted you, you are starting to talk about the old yet else have the infinite sadness that much at home Madison Pete Ladd Cathedral that the old-school sandwiches: area, which is built since Wall Street's old buildings as usual citizenship and nightlife and then stack. Saturday fueled that in the evenings at 910.that is when I talk to/. Everything is going on the facts, Hl staying in is still bright, and since I did not get to sleep that I have set up said thing it was rainy gray age of power cooled that carry a godsend which runs true that the impact would you change interscience tell the old rhetoric filled river that is entirely decent flooding in 15th the river was die back and neck as hell right at that CG did not read e-mail to do that from time but eventually they made it seem to say that God and the Hawks is one thing I really enjoy the event was getting cycling through that cycle right that went on, what message he sent Sarah's articles in that beach in Oslo. We did not rebound fell on Thursday that the defendant was very interesting in your pictures that I would advise people to check out the wonderful pictures of Heather has here are blocked page. You were there during the false festival or your review was of old PCU yes ECM in April and be fast facts tell access course of a Spanish sort is not Iran at this thing Japheth, if a whole pirate technical extravaganza when the Helsinki kids allowed with bioethics, and to donate her a street street and they may eat and maintain calm ballpark -- a skill check which of my cock teasing practically cocky. If you like, and they can be as high as the building holes in it than just need to hide. And that is constructed in each neighborhood in the old town and then at the end of the festival that will ban said Holbrooke has inflamed and Darin Ned sent packing as he spotted the main delays that. We went that Assenmacher Austerlitz has surpassed its record to back it question a think that we were not able to feed an easy and lacks some of the scalp should not saying that is what the state each year in state as you can see some of the scalp chance in terms of places to stay you mentioned that the hospital but necessarily work out that while the joystick there one night.

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суббота, 13 декабря 2008 г.

What do tenses say about the human

What do tenses say about the human conception of time or two verbs, tell us about human conception of causality but I do not only analyze cognitive categories. Language also conveys emotion moves of always swear when we of either express or motion to swearing or elicit emotions and others through the use of emotionally evocative of the terms and language tells us something about the inventory human emotions. Language can also tell us what social relationships languages are quintessentially social activity. When we converse with someone we do not just send packets of information back and forth like two modems or was it some relationship with our conversational partner and language can tell us something about the kinds of relationships that were mindful of, as we proposition and inform and request and persuade and in other ways try to affect people through our words. And she will benefit the social and essential fatty such unconventional and spend an implicit. Very much and people are not even aware of the kinds of adjustments that they can make their speech. A simple example is politeness, and see if you could pass the salt that would be brilliant is a statement that taken literally, either; since it is a white pondering hypothetical, possible worlds, they are the dinner table and thought this would be brilliant if you sent itself. Nonetheless, we instantly recognize this as an imperative to be the salt, but coach and waited to make it appear as if you are exerting dominance over the Presidio to the table. You are treating them like some kind of underling or funky, and in more emotionally fraught situations of our words are often even more thickly veiled innuendo and threats. We often issue a threat in Field 4.9 stories out there would be real shame if something happened to it in the sexual come ons famously use innuendos like would like to see my etchings. These of all cases in which the very act of offering a proposition. She can change the nature of the relationship in a way that you may not want to have been if the other person turns you down, and so by burying it in the innuendo of forcing the listener to do with mental state worked at the meeting. You give yourself some plausible deniability that is, if the other person is one goal if there not interested in sex if they do not want to take the pride.

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пятница, 12 декабря 2008 г.



Or visit the upstairs ballroom were George Washington once picked up his heels of the party just to the north east of the old exchange building along Concorde Street. Furnishings or another of the city's fine old homes as the Aiken Rathaus also open for two or to get there from the Charleston Museum. Go north half a block on meeting Street and turn right on and Street and follow that for one block to Elizabeth Street in the Aiken Rathaus on your right walking inside is like walking through a time portal. The house represents three periods of architecture federal around 1820 Greek revival around 1838 and Victorian beginning about 1858 in 1863 a reception was held here for Confederate Pres. Jefferson Davis. In addition to the main house, the Aiken rep retains most of its original outbuildings including the kitchen carriage house slave quarters garden follies and privies rounded by the original wall of our last stop takes us back to the water in the beautiful new waterfront park called liberty Square from the Aiken Rathaus walk S. On Elizabeth St., a little over two blocks to Charlotte Street, interlocking walkies four blocks to Concord Street opened in May 2000 the aquarium is home to more than 10,000 plant and animal species, including loggerhead turtles River otters hawks and now is the centerpiece is the three-story aquarium that holds some 385,000 gallons of water and contains more than 300 animals including sharks and other marine life and I-9 I am going ask you any questions, pausing after each before revealing the answer. Here we go first question, what historical structure in Charleston Harbor was the site of the first shots fired during the Civil War. That would be of course, Fort Sumter. Try this one was Charleston named after Charleston is named for England's King Charles II in 1663 gave away land stretching from Virginia to Florida to eight Lords proprietors for colonization. A question, what is the name of Charleston's annual spring festival that celebrates theater, opera music and dance. I bet you that when the answer is, the Spoleto Festival USA about this one ingredient for OneWorld's favorite beverages is grown nowhere else in the United States but in the Charleston area name that beverage that ingredient is key, which is grown only at the Charleston tea plantation about 18 miles from downtown. Here is one out of the dance called the Charleston originator well, although the dance began in African-American communities composer James P. Johnson popularized the catchy rhythm with a tune called the Charleston letter was written for the 1923 Broadway show titled running wild in the song became one of the most popular of the roaring 20s. Six question, what luxury hotel is now in the building on Marion Square that was once occupied by the military college called The Citadel and answer. The Embassy suites Hotel, what was the name of the hurricane that devastated much of Charleston in 1989 that hurricane was called tango, which was the most intense storm to hit Georgia and the Carolinas in 105 years. Dry this question, what is the best time of the year for garden lovers to visit Charleston. This time for garden lovers to visit the city is spring or fall. That is when the owners of many of the city's finest homes open their gardens for organized tours. Exit last question, what architectural convention reflects the level of privacy among Charleston's early residents at the tough question, but the architectural convention reflects the logo privacy. So much enjoyed by Charleston's early residents is this. It is the scarcity of Windows on the north side of their homes. Okay, here is our last question, which two plantations outside of Charleston are famous for their magnificence. There are two stunning plantations outside of Charleston the first is called Drayton Hall known for its palatial plantation house and the second is Middleton Place, renowned for its gardens.

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City Hall


And today I will be your guide were going to walk from City Hall to city market. A 1/2 mile route that cuts through several savannas 21 Scenic Sq.'s from City Hall. The walk passes along popular River Street. Head south to colonial Park Cemetery in backtracks N. Along Bull St., finally ending its city market. A string of boutiques and outdoor eateries, as we passed by the quaint mannerism lush parks. You will see why Union Gen. William Sherman chose to save this charming port town on his infamous march to the sea, shall we start. Let us begin our walk at City Hall, the cornerstone of local government is was just a grassy patch in 1819 when the SS savanna set sail near the spot coming the first steamship across the Atlantic. Today, you cannot miss the buildings 23 carat gold dome look east and you will see the redbrick cotton exchange the center of commercial activity when savanna was the world's busiest cotton port. Just out from City Hall on Bay Street. Notice the huge 15 ton granite columns of the US customs house, the oldest federal building in Georgia during the mid-1800s. It took 30 days to transport each New England made column from the river to the site and get another month to move the mammoth pillars of the place. The carved capitals were modeled from the pattern of a tobacco leaf from the eastern side of City Hall follow the stairs down to bull Street ramp cobblestone alley way that travels under factors walk these to a three-story former warehouses are named for the factors or brokers rated cotton for its quality in the 19th century. Step into a new building now and you will still find cotton. But today it is in the form of fashionable clothing sold in these tiny restored boutiques. If your credit card is out already, you may want to find as the ramp leads you N. To River St. Savanna's most popular shopping district, turn right from the ramp toward Riverfront Plaza. Here you will see stores selling everything from handcrafted jewelry original oil paintings. Your nose will alert you to the tangy smells of Cajun crawfish or triple events from the hip, but authentic seafood bistro is that Linus and nine block promenade. Just as they have for decades riverboats still sail from here, several blocks along the river out. Turn right onto East Broad Street ramp at the foot of the sidestreet you will see moral Park side of the waving girl statue. Its attribute this business of Annie and Florence Martus. Legend has it that Florence fell for a sailor and waved a white cloth to each passing ship for 44 years, hoping to greet her love. About 50,000 vessels later, however, her sailor never return off of East Broad Street ramp turn right on Bay Street. Real pass a stretch of tree shaded Abbott Park. This park is named for Irish patriot and orator Robert Emmett, and it houses a seven-story Harbor light used to guide vessels in the mid-19th century. Keep on walking about five blocks on Bay Street. Even during the city's commercial heyday when cotton was King Sevigny and strolled down the same intricate street grid map by Georges founder throughout the city 21 18 Per Sq. as the city's so-called jewels.ordinary streets. The spots of greenery have shady picnic areas and storytelling monuments. Let us check out the first one on our path from Bay Street. Turn left on Abercorn Street, one of savanna's main arteries that had two blocks S. To Reynolds Sq. Here you will find a statue of John Wesley the 13th colony's first religious leader and the founder of Methodism to your right at the corner Bryant Street is the old pink house of former Flanders mansion bank in headquarters for occupying Union soldiers during the Civil War. The ghosts of feisty slave children are said to haunt its 18th-century waltz, but that does not seem to hurt business. Today. It is one of the city's most popular restaurants continuing about four blocks south on Abercorn. You will arrive at Oglethorpe Square of the burial site of James Edward Oglethorpe. He was the British general who laid out the city's intricate grid and founded the Georgia colony in 1733. It was meant to be a buffer zone between South Carolina and the so-called Spanish menace in Florida on eastern part of the square as the Owens Thomas house is a Regency style mansion and carriage house painted pink blue rebel spirits of the dead. The carriage house also has a substantial collection of African Americana from the slave. Ballots continues out two more blocks and strolled past Oglethorpe avenues. The charming residential streets lined with oak trees and colorful mansions that thinks yellows and light blues. These neighborhoods are reminders of savanna's magnificent preservation efforts. Most of the architecture is of colonial and Regency styles heavy with ironwork fences and light posts. If you think there is a lot of history left in old savanna. You are right, about three quarters of its 2350 historically significant buildings have been restored. It is the largest urban national historic landmark District, United States about a block east of note the two homes wanted to 28 the other 230 E. Oglethorpe Ave. These were the residence is a Pulitzer prize-winning poet Conrad Aiken, who lived in one for the first 11 years of his life and the second for the last 11 years in the early 20th century when Aiken was just a boy. He found his bloodied parents of his childhood house after heated argument is father of murdered his mother. Then killed himself. Conrad moved in with relatives in Massachusetts, but he returned to savanna 50 years later, he took up residence in the house next to his earlier home explaining that despite the tragic event. It always love the neighborhood, ghost stories abound in old savanna and no places better to get in the storytelling mood than an old southern bridge. Straight ahead on Abercorn Street is colonial Park Cemetery stroll among the flagrant magnolia trees in the city's oldest burial ground. Famous Georgian button Gwinnett, who signed the Declaration of Independence is buried here, and some of the tombstones date back to Revolutionary war hero. But be careful, as cheesy as Union soldiers are said to have changed dates on some of the headstones when they occupied the city creating impossibly long lives. From the southern part of the cemetery. Turn right onto E. Perry St., which features a row of magnificently restored private homes and follow these Perry Street about three blocks to Chippewas Square. Look familiar. Will this tree shaded square as the spot where Forrest Gump passed along his box of chocolates in the 1994 Oscar-winning movie to look for the bench. He sat on, that was just a prop, but do admire the bronze monument of Gen. Oglethorpe smack dab in the square's center. The general faces south forever protecting savanna from a Florida invasion from the park's northern tip look left and you will see the white columns of the first Baptist Church organized in 1880. Look right and you will see the savanna theater, a local playhouse that opened its doors in 1818 and still continues to entertain some of its prominent players have included actress Fanny Davenport in my right Oscar Wilde. Edwin Booth was also one of the theater's regular performers. It is unknown however, if his brother John Wilkes Booth, ever open the curtains here, walking two blocks N. On Bull St. will see the white sequel of the Independent Presbyterian Church to your left ear at this 200 and 50 Year Old Pl. of worship. Pres. Woodrow Wilson married Ellen Axon granddaughter of the church's pastor. Savanna's storied past is inspired authors politicians and do-gooders alike continue north to blocks and you will pass the Juliette Gordon low center on your right. This restored White House with red shutters was the birthplace of the Girl Scouts founder. When the building was threatened by demolition in 1953. The Girl Scouts organization purchased it and today thousands of badge wearing pre-teens make a visit each year to pay their respects. A block or so north also on bull Street book on the right square name for the last royal governor of Georgia, Sir James Wright. The large boulder ahead taken from Stone Mountain near Atlanta, marks the grave of Joel Cici. The omicron Indian chief who helped the English est. this Georgian column. I monument of William Washington Gordon looks over the square. He was one of the founders of the central Georgia Railroad taking up the western side of the square as the federal courthouse. Entirely of Georgia marble and influenced by Spanish, French and Italian Renaissance architecture look NE. Of the Sq. and you will see the massive red doors of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension organized by German settlers in 1741 from the southern end of right square travel two blocks west on W. York St. to reach Telfair Square will find that Telfair Art Museum. This is the oldest art museum in the South this small but elegant art palace has the look of a Roman temple and displays several plaster casts of Roman statues at its entrance. Step inside this 1818 mansion, and you will find something I bet will be very familiar, cannot quite place it. Well. It is the bird girl statue from the cover of John Behrens 1997 best-selling novel called midnight in the Garden of good and evil. Critics say that novel is to savanna as gone with the wind is to Atlanta. It is also worth checking out the Telfair's rotunda Gallery filled with an impressive collection of 18th and 19th century European paintings beside the Hallmark museum you will see the most modern structure and savanna. The brand-new Jepson Center for the arts. This Telfair Art Museum edition open in March 06 to provide nearly double the amount of collection space. And what a sight, designed by renowned architect Moshe Softy. These two soaring white buildings are connected by glass bridges and three-level staircases that visitors climb to see expensive galleries to blocks N. On Barnard St. Look right on W. Broughton St. to see a slew of antique dealers and down-home brewpubs continue north to more blocks, and you will come to city market this for block restored area from Barnard Street to Montgomery Street has long been the city's social heart, open-air jazz club's unique theme stores and savory eateries make this shady outdoor courtyard. A perfect retreat at night bars on the markets outskirts really heat up throughout the year city market is also the meeting place for several of savanna's legendary celebrations that include St. Patrick's Day when the city erupts in parades and street parties that could keep rocking for dead. When the market intersects Jefferson Street. You will see club one Jefferson, the city's premier gay club were flamboyant drag queens lip-synched old favorites by Tina Turner, Gladys Knight, this trendy dance places a hotspot for out-of-towners especially cast and cruise the movie is being filmed and savanna. Bruce Willis and Demi Moore were frequent visitors when they were still a couple inside the club if you are lucky you will meet its ruler Lady Shibley. Hussein is grown with choice appearances in the novel that in the Garden of good and evil. That show a super queen play herself in Clint Eastwood's 1997 movie version. She still performs on stage at least once a month for awestruck tourists strolling through city markets Western and you will come across the city market arts center on the upper level of a restored feed and seed warehouse. This building houses the studios of nearly 3 dozen of savanna's finest artists. From what carvers to photographers to stained-glass designers will just be on the western end of the market by Montgomery Avenue at the first American Baptist Church. This brick building is the oldest black congregation in America. Slaves built in 1788 by lantern light after long days of working in the fields. We and our tour Europe city market, a perfect blend of savanna's rich history and modern flair after arrest of a quick bite party walkers may want to continue E. Of Bull St. Then due south to Forsyth Park about a half-mile track this picturesque 20 acre square corner of Whitaker W. Gaston St. is a must-see with its ornate fountain lush azaleas and draping magnolia trees. Find your own forest of badge and revel in savanna, Georgia's first city and Bell until we walk again. I will ask you 10 questions, applause after each question, before giving you the answer. Here, we got number one. What did Gen. Sherman offered Pres. Abraham Lincoln in a December 22, 1864 telegram as he marched to the south. January 18, 1964 Gen. Sherman offered Pres. Lincoln, savanna as a Christmas present. In 1793 eight this former schoolteacher on a plantation just outside savanna invented a machine that would significantly alter the South's biggest business, who was the inventor and what did he invent. Then inventor would be Eli Whitney, who made the cotton gin, a seed removing machine that help the King crop flourish under savanna's original 1733 charter. What three things were for bit. The three things that savanna forbade under its 1733 charter were these ROM lawyers and slavery force question before Elvis inherited the crown. This savanna born King of Pop won America's hearts with his hit song Moon River. The answer is Johnny Mercer. Okay, try this one, what early 20th century baseball legend was excluded from the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown New York because of the gambling scandal. But he is featured in the greater savanna athletic Hall of Fame that baseball legend was shoeless Joe Jackson, a South Carolina native who later lived and operated to businesses in downtown savanna to get this one characters in the book midnight in the Garden of good and evil, drank martinis on what poets grave in Bonaventure Cemetery. That poet was Conrad Aiken, which Supreme Court justice was born just outside of savanna city limits. Tough when the answer is Clarence Thomas. Here is what he might know other than Forrest Gump, what Oscar-winning movie was filmed with savanna as a backdrop. The other big movie filled with savanna is a backdrop was the 1989 movie called glory, which won three Oscars. How many squares did Gen. Oglethorpe design, in his original plan for the city of savanna would answer is 24 squares, but only 21 of been maintained in one final question. So seldom falls in savanna, but one-time resident James L. Pierpoint penned the words to this winter hit June while serving as an organist at the Unitarian Church in monopoly of this but savanna resident James L. Pierpont wrote the words to jingle bells, should pictures eight 2006.

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