We have seen to enhance airlines go out of business I said to have because ATA Airlines and a little hot airlines have both announced that they are closing their doors and an Alitalia looks like they might be close behind. After failing to do a deal with Air France. So what is an airline to do. Will they can really raise airfares without finding it difficult to compete against the other airlines are finding other ways to add charges. Under article upon Terminator.com cold air trouble all cards which has a number of different stories about additional fees. We talked about $25 to check a second bag but were not actually getting air for wines like Air Canada is going to charge for customer service you can buy better service if you have a problem with your flight. That is a different approach. JetBlue is joined United and charging for more like one of the rates have gone up with adult for unaccompanied minors for overweight luggage. Just a number of different things that are going on most airlines have gotten rid of the lows. Air Canada is charging two dollars for a comfort kit that which is a blanket an inflatable pillows so that looking at a number of different ways to stay in business at this point. And as if that were not bad enough, they just might be flying to Heathrow either as new terminal five was 20 years in the making count all the planning that went into it and it cost 4.3 billion pounds and in the first week that opened they had 430 flights canceled and lost 20,000 bags there hoping to straighten out all the problems this is the new home for British airways in London, and they have have all sorts of her run this problems with this new and very expensive airport. I am not sure if this is how they are planning on raising money to pay for new airport, but there was a report that someone about 4 cups of coffee at Heathrow in accelerating up at 361,514 pounds and Ј.97. As I calculate that they only have 11,890 more cups of coffee to sell to pay off the entire airport links to all of the stories can be found@theshownotesamateurtraveler.com or I would like to welcome the show will who is coming to us from Brisbane Australia but is come to talk to us about Tunisia welcome Michelle, Tunisia is obviously unusual destination, what led you to think at all what you are doing or what awaited me. My manager about to leave, you are probably all just going to Italy for a developer reputation would be long-lost off one weekly and not out of all current legal light on the field underwhelmed at Yale shuttle from Italy's has also think I am going on vacation. I had that much see your vacation did not approve because it was not interesting enough to say exactly how to me that of all the different places at once across a fiddly white Tunisia in what we do not always go about our old friend Anita was on the adult industry both a place where the elderly. Typing I am on a Star Wars fan all the way to contact the path for hedge funds personal amounted to one was planning to log in to get a little unprepared. Not identify when a long, and let us jump right in and what were the highlights of the trip for it when I am thinking on what is good for me. I think I do my thing that the writing of the people is the history surely was not until the weekend while mechanics and the old rule in the history of the cottage. They were on the other hand will run out of clean it off as well placed relatedly and the country is very different as well because in Africa and Utah hard to sell the stock expenses like he was able to withdraw an avid country regional militia youngish live in hell reserved on a Monday. A quick look at but also what you will not see the light and especially the huge malfunctioning heart of downtown and obedience movement to haunt this, could you walk us through your itinerary that are of interest, which is the capital of clue to this and that you are today clockwise around the country. They went down the software development buckled in the architecture of your pilgrimage when I took on October 30 to allow the original architecture down and doing things off the present itself. And it went around way to lock down proposal was a very large bite you in the areas well and I went to get the systems and control what you seem to miss what stands out for you but my guess that the Internet is amusing, but I really would not find this to another until we Tunisia. They had the most amazing collection of Roman and a lot of text people might say things that you do things that were the country are not using them as well with his feeling about you is a very interesting cultures had one city which has a strong French influence as well as you have the older the Arabic cockroaches will. We have a mutual holding you yet you seem quite distinctly look for Google or anything done in a very tallied with the other city was Medina guilty and then he will defeat a very crude like regular pot, which is the new talent and potential though that was a very interesting mixture of the culture and the Albany and anything particular Senate besides amusing people upon Buffalo actually impressed me as he walked down the last 210 God's people betting on cafйs and coffee speaking French, and they lock their French baggage as well as when you need it to do what I can regularly flailed look centrist or three different picture than most of us have Tunisia is very mixed out on a candlelight. I like very taken with especially on keeping the subsidy to Europe and the least he could not hold the potential to get my license and that may actually be your answer to this question but what was your biggest surprise. I look at the product will underscore that the country had one which you can contact one of expected interest is the water more northern part of Tunisia. I think the reason I think Desert, unedited documentary that he was not a good bottle of killing her run for cover of the crops and food came from the Third World to put it somewhere where the growing document in the mold was not the way to delete in the arid country with a winter of two going to get very little of the year, but they managed to catch that I must easily.org is heard that Egypt was a professor from the is arriving to see you also mentioned going to the ruins of Carthage. Is that near Tunis. Yet now they play a little too much weight do you catch a luck trying out there and doing the Lord of the on his wounds coming up throughout facility really just the right around and on top of the ruins of the old city of Carthage to talk but not that many rooms as when the Romans won the battle of no account for only a few thoughts about him about each others while walking through your cable outage was largely interest to the viciously putting them a hollow would be to visit the old port, which is now a Blake which I have been documentary that U2 iPod Internet on their labels should send writing books were a doctor would like to visit for its historical significance even do much but he one of the other podcasts I listen to a very well-done one that I would recommend is the history of Rome, and they have just finished up in a podcast talking about the Punic wars, including Hannibal and the elephants in the battle is on the right outside of Carthage and such so that is all very fresh history to me right now. Anything else we should cover before you start talking, but some of the rest of your itinerary. When the really good when the rock on which the most punishing us not to come back to them like doing it up. And then you went south from there, and when you see next week I am just going out and went in without defeat of the architecture of the data on things like Goodfellas or anything looked at the home of confidential account to the left would have a graduate that much more rounded music with the hope of them in the old center around a 10 inch square. Now describe to me it looked almost like a pluggable so built up on this Hills and so built together. But several different architecture than was expecting from your pictures into debug data descriptor including flowing the structure is the heart of the more you I get the impression that this is a ruin that people are not still living in the Europe cult of the liturgy semi picture of that this is not working for a living today put up the ruins down to is that the Gregory said with a warm on Buffalo's shooting them to more stories like this and follow the path of you to storing things like animals and crying mother was also what would you use to you to position a new one village as well for this to people in around that area are able that Google villages, which one bottle of what we abandoned the hillside villages of understanding of having abandoned under this very huge village and the footlocker model to get them feeling the middle of nowhere and come up with huge village without all focused on and you will feed into the wall look like it was wonderful and mother have returned-often I have been enjoying the serenity and one of his wounds and logic at the top of the village was headed toward the uphill. The views of tobacco, could you look out into the whole village below you and around you and you could not escape tautologically know how easy was it around the city took the train down and you drove out. So you are doing a private rental car plus the public transportation. Easy around and tenacious about ready to get him out of that if one could you explain what her son wanted was to watch anything else I have been doing along with unlikely total between Maya cities using shared taxis and Luigi dedicate a confession. Knowing that I can make it without actually until ~but not people and the government is very convenient that the content will they not add a cheap looking round hole inexpensive as it doodles for how far from the other type is one of his projects under one to untold wealth of knowledge about 15 of them are actually able to reregulate as well as for the hiding about partially out of the experience of a couple without the hassles upon Ado about is such that they can be no imagine there other places that use you really wanted to barter entities are, you can find the type of experience and the nurse was like a baton in the markets are unless the culture had changed a lot from what I have read and then went to go after these server ruins. The author that I went to a very small town gold medal, which is famous for the underground houses and installed by would know that where they filmed the longtime Fed, which is what makes Carl grew up on the data we do not you say this was their I have always assumed that that justice out that there is nothing really Tunisian about that site. Am I wrong to matter. Now it is a real hotel in that group like nothing really unofficial ballot to have put out something about what you write is an futuristic looking golden about the own that the real interest is there might ensue it was not built for the movie downloadable and are less of a gadget that have adopted i.e. budget hotels to develop a cure for antispam council to Palestine to what about the other beginning and did you stay in a hotel. How you did that. I would agree which will likely depend out that all the ugly but is that I do not know this. But that is okay. Did you find there were to be thickly good time to go about very good punk out because people did what he is one called by would look very much and they will not think I will really cannot imagine that they were good because it would become to anyone else if she were an average dealt with.' and not modern cell phone in the about houses are and prototypes with most of the towns on your itinerary that he do not they? Cannot they use the most hot like looking for a way if Michelin as they made me feel like I should so used to deliver on the vitriol felt all the unethical. She wanted was a non-flaxen on around them they ought not to taxi to a town gold tones of which is in the West. And that some one more to see town in the sense that has hotels and restaurants and all that. But if the very small and light back, and in that area there are little bit of you might choose the surrounding areas to see Bedouin villages were no benefit from the villages are south of them will present the most regard to wake up what it is worth result defeated an area. It is very located for nonsense because there are lots of tools you and I can think about where it failed ideology that hot going on tools. That would have went out and found I had actually a part of acting Gov. blogger on what I really will not want to it as such, they might be different if you are taking a package tours on the dynamics arranged. If you do one of the desert tours and elegant, but at that point I thought I made my conduct around the hot account at the end of myself around, most of the public polls and location around the IQ of many foods that contain allegations. So nominated -- the computers will not-so I have are taught to do that. We say other locations like what will they have want to host all of Canyon, which is kind and they filmed a loafing from the original of a cool movie. As you might get authority that can even for vocations that use for peddling, but does not follow the same from that first movie was filmed and hanging out with peddling an amazing thing is only thoughtful preserved inside. I had to prove if you want to do this with about 30 years ago, but what about the cheapest hotel to mail the building that we do intact and kissing interest in the interesting thing is that happened we might often regarded as non-techie scowls findable packaged with a self join you style of merchandise went on to become the whole country, wailed. These movies were filmed at the very nutrition company to a beautifully rated PG and polls had things under law as early as it is. If you wanted to say how would you find out about the implications of the scoop on where did you find out about the Star Wars locations will not be on the Internet he could do such a font of all our fellow standard credit card thoughts about developing that now I have actually got my cheapest called on what went on 12 is and could be a daughter-in-law entrenchment ended to show you what a will put some links to your website then, and the Vodafone of the more thoughtful critics enclosure. Next up will often put up I went back to because' is grown coffee in a little town called pajama supposedly beautiful flooded coal seam in the world and is very well preserved that the likely impact like the ones on the wall for missing to be with my visual order to overcome old school the passageway and walk inside the reader itself. A natural down under the theory that committed the presentation code located in as well preserved and unlock the coffee and wrong is the one which was as well for its reluctance to these in general. You sort of got talked into their instance that you were planned in restricted lakes in the confusion step was to get experts would you recommend that people go there or what type of people would recommend other critical going to a unique ABI study wealth even traveled together, because it would not be a good first half and nations. He will not be ready for a more Middle Eastern experience where you are traveling muffin notebook with a well good, but upon tables and editing expertly difficult to pay you for a formal rule. Life regarding loanwords yet to feel love of able to even think about the quality of the hotels of unbearable ego can be prepared full of good money but not until crooked website, which I did not thought of writing the work that before one expected as clean and punctual, but it would not homogenate sandalwood. It was not like he felt unsafe for it was unsanitary. It was just below more rustic, but a byproduct of the board of aikido bottom of that country hoping to convince up doing a little country publicly planning. You said you did not blow up on ever since the last-minute trip, what did you use to plan your trip. But that of an ongoing book and the best without them and why do not I have a sponsor for moment I was as often as we talk about the at about and what you found that the recommended that maybe this is what did was not a good recommendation for you, but I had all mentioned the Medina award visiting the old old for the marketplace areas on an element in a pocket of all blog and the cost is nothing they will really want and why it would quickly become like. I do not want anything and minded nondiet thought and believe they can do this without a sort of things were selling a similar and crafts. But many believe the functional Medina's more political people got up to and including them for not being the trouble with only 1.8 event in bigger cities like that a few of which it had to dominate again to very refreshing sprints, but often sending somebody to wake up-everything is negotiable. And then what do you think the guidebooks missed what should they include a mix version. But how could I calculate and admit that it did not time and some of these rules is not intelligence up. As I go by the very briefly, so you think I am going to come out the duet for both Ebert and David enjoying that what blacks away from old French, which is redirected away from that it hides big guys and guys are no punches when I went back to sleep and quite charged that the book of strange wind up into the well of moving a shopping that advertising in the Buffalo Bills pushed. And then we talked about the hotels they will rustic were there any places you stay would recommend what he wanted to cost hotels of the ones which are designed package tours and recovering well on the high end and you want to talk to people who are rooted in Asia but wondered if the nickel package holiday at the beaches and fine result of that showed that back off accommodation and ended up a commission as well was more bearable than the something everyone can talk over budget. Susie went further south, away from the coast you were saying, if you were my star resorts and more budget hotels that are boosting old molecules which have not been renovated long time that would cut but still clean and safe do you think everything about the love poems 1900 or so do hundred find a Tunisian food of the lunch looks of that which is right around the area on a government and call a brick with XP making and measurable filling in for ice cream should be taught and that is very delicious. But enough of an egg inside a pastry deep-fried in front of thousands-a big part of golden crisp, but they do it so that the youngest of money. So it is very interesting niche etc., and it is a brick dissent is a most memorable person you met the most old person would have to be the person I met when visiting the fouled canyon. That is potentially not really on the posttrial Abu do not have one type 3 where Wallace five of their body know which direction from the top of the government with the wind of that is one rule over. And finally out nowhere does present a kind was the same person was not know this. But there was that feeling where account I would begin would have been one of got it in a very friendly. A sugarcane and we got them back in full if you do not like there do into thinking off the walls. He mentioned in his broken English that a previous travel the world in the area nude dolls and in fact. I think much of the author came back he was let out of the e-mail out nowhere does present for the pop them off of the website and found them and come contract for that subcommittee could see his vanquished Acer problems getting around from one which one of you decide what French did you eventually buried travel around on the potential it any thought of having opposed language, who are very friendly and helpful whenever needed what he would shoot him before he went to was unknown how the immigration process work that gobbled the richness bought and masturbated to fog up any sure how to code currency, which means he contacted are seeking allow the country to exchange any patient instantly get it. However when you get there and you apply fully intriguing that you do not pay Indonesian did not is little in the way that I believe is that they cannot have a look at how does one get around that to what they do to take impossible of having you go out into the country's immigration without a possible for me to it I can get the money and he will back up from the couch at immigration. Going opposite direction amend-just -- but you can notice how you can speak a language for Todd and I need to find a midnight if unsettling entering country with a possible to make a that is a different system. If please did not do a lot of shopping there, you mention being a bloke in the Medina's what did you bring back the besides picture did you bring me souvenirs back up with some of the world and to keep some formations quickly have a film that went to the talk about a bunch of the pickup and is there one picture you took that captured Tunisia for you think the picture of me standing outside the igloo telefilm as if the location for the Star Wars movies. What is impressive about it is even planning on this cost across Salt Lake was as flat as father I can see a new general boob because you had to drive is going to get to it. They ignored the featureless landscape pumping so when does the fuel talk of one solitary building should add these pics to your location for a lot of hundred and.full 500 km away from that model where the interior election film was with a broadly sure that the moviemaking. As we wrap up this episode is there anything else we should tell people to going to do a trip to Tunisia from Los Angeles but while. I thank you so much one for coming on the show until his whole bit about your trip. And you could, the travelers were sown in two days.
Internet resource at the seminar went two for National Geographic traveler on photography. I review on it on my travel site, which is transmitter.com, but I would recommend it is about $200, and it takes most of Saturday, but they had to do for talk verse one certainly would put a number of pictures on covers of National Geographic and other similar magazines, and another one was more of a fine art photographer. Both came and spoke about technique, as well as how to shoot better pictures and framing and a number of different things of that sort check that out if it happens to be in your area. But you may have to wait till the next set of seminars in this summer Smith finished with the dude duties periodically in Communion news I have caused some confusion with the time for the live show. On April 12. It is going to be noon Pacific and 3 PM Eastern alliance sent out information that said a couple different times accidentally. So I will try and send us an e-mail to those of you who have e-mail for to clarify that. But noon Pacific and 3 PM Eastern time is the time for the live show on talkshow.com and check the show notes for link on how to get there first and community as a thank you to couple people who nominated the amateur traveler for a trapeze, which is the best in trouble blogging awards under the best broadcaster video blog categories of going to that. For those viewers to do more information about the iron e-mail recently from John John writes. I first want to mention that I love your show and I am an avid listener. I am also an employee of American Airlines and have the great benefit of traveling for free. That is a great benefit I am 25 years old and have no trouble to over 80 countries most of them in the past few years to my airline job of a listen to the podcast of places I have been to reminisce and places I have not been spoken by my next trip. There a lot of places I would like to see done the show mainly more the Middle East Caribbean and Africa will die hope the show is something along ones which are looking for. Also the theme song is the full song available anywhere. It is question him at times in those of you was in the show for while no answer that I have created on the wiki. They frequently asked questions, and this is the first question I put in mirror image has a link to where you can find the full theme song. Is there a question to think along the frequently asked questions that you have either asked already or have heard the answer or you think I should answer. Let me know and we can fill that out with that will start wrapping up this show again. I am hoping to talk to a number of you next week at the second amateur traveler live show on talkshow.com and the time again is noon Pacific and 3 PM Eastern. And doing all the filthy simian e-mail host of amateur traveler.com or check out the many ways to contact me@amateurtraveler.com/contact might also be interested in following my twitter feed@twitter.com/crisp 2X, and as always. Thanks so much for listening
вторник, 16 декабря 2008 г.
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