Loving, this decides many ones and are always wanted a job in the government's Southeast Asia a few times in Thailand Vietnam talk. But in this means it was coming, but did not like that is pretty awesome putting off from some of those limits for Adams and doing here is something I read about this about for years regarding the stuff that sounds just the description on his thinking and discussing the spectrum. The descriptions of surviving freebies among artists and jungle results on the spot purchase order up some to the website. So I read about runs mainly to the magazine in the UK, and someone you can trust fund will ask for this I am doing. It. A Wallace in an article by license, so I finally got up and he said that some places after this unit has translations on Mono sign up for this yet and so that was not in the total number of people they take on this trip is and is 100th of a single on the have is I did not think it was. The unit was something else, I was in my 920 people writing them together but in fact, illegal, stopped the same time every day. Within 20 minutes, everybody split second to none, but he defined a couple of friends to ride with him in my case. My father on time with me and him and the youngest in the muscle basis is not some crazy thunder line of 100 people driving together like. And I had impression before you went your father was ill, and when you do on the trip. Yet that is what you have and what was the highlight of it was a big surprise. The trip on the surprise on based on the limit shall specify this identical to the lonely planet for a guy when I am reading it for months and planning what to and this time, because it is going to organize another route was planned out for us and so on a decided right in there with a completely open mind and the planets in much and so really the surprise is coming up in a stunning just is. How wonderful people out there that thing that surprised me most than it really came out adding a podcast for triple as we rapidly sinisterly will recommend you to listen to the podcast, but kids coming up for instance. Just Ito wanting this to say hi or the via the locals coming up to have their picture taken with the Richard captured that one sounded sounded like you were getting quite the reception on the yuan would look into the driving through these tiny villages with his incredibly well planned to take you three places where human resource would never does not reset did you talk to these these villages on people between east of the city of grapes and left in them by going through the richest blessings he starts for the kids would rather shop on just what I test my sister and mother magnets that are used to rephrase what is your group names. The unit. It has been a pleasure to meet you, but did not dissent from the compound are really just everything that is a huge lot of basic right of this beaming with his minutes are the incentives of the one you made a comment in a show about how happy that the kids were in NL and immaculately dressed. They were, and yet clearly they are coming from relatively well. Very very poor condition public from reduced their absolute lemming they have absolutely nothing in these nuts complete subsistence living these villages. But I am not Nazism as the clichй, and I was regardless of the club and the best that the unit, but it really is truly not mean. I have not seen such radiant smiles on the on kids in Europe, that even anything because of the PlayStation rooms with toys, and then throwing tantrums, but even in India can see. One argument, one fight one country and not just pregnant happiness, and it is nice to see Melanesia writing. You are running through quite a variety of terrain that you had your talking about walking a right walking writing pass the women who are harvesting cheetah in your talking about going near jungles of us preserves that still have Tigers and it was all to do what all types of India at the juicy rubbing. This is the great thing that even within one they see the huge variety of things but by slimming stop the constant dollar, which is a bit more towards them and we went in the most versatile, but certainly not as more people setting things on the beach and solemn, but very quickly we passed them to become the rural hinterland behind and immediately you doing this thousands of these villages which common subsistence farming. The basic conditions, and then we headed up and soon to some quite high mountainous regions and going up to about spies who went about 9000 feet over something Monday and other day we started off in the next morning at 9000 feet to l spectaculars that have been right on the spot this mountain crossed incredibly hot planes went through some units of the rundown towns and incentive fund of the afternoon. Through these apps to be spectacular coffee plantations were suddenly the nonfiction is lush green of these beautiful hillsides covered and then in the list -- if the jobs I am and justice for fairytale ones that really some minimum day even debates exhausted as much on private citizens. Everything seen them on the Internet that you would, and what a hard coding it compare to your expectations was the same as you expected always very different time than I did not mean that I was available in mine right as this eliminates a guide by remembered that in fact, other stories in the past enough about turns into India and God took the drug something I am doing costs and guys towards the money in the economy or stories of how people would look at retail natural gas, and the peasantry and solemn dots. You never found was the people we met the guy do not do this because we were merely because tourist sites are the people unbelievably honest and kind and good night shift. When you told one story by Mia something for somebody who would left behind a backpack were so the bag and I think that this got themselves a route to him by mistake or two from this something that is not thrown off the back of his bike and his camera in your important documents and solemn and indeed he can drive back to get back on the route that stops the conflict and realized posted by recognizing Kyoko would be. And suddenly the sky proof of concept and unjustified to guess this is not coming-will she is coming from a struggle. And then the Geneva government decided to these two guys done in the honesty to my bed with his back and forth and 20 km piggyback effect, you can use money and food for these icons done in a united world cup of tea that laser disk of the fantastic and in the end -- the tight feeling in the end, but they are not just indicative of some to humanity that I spoke about whether 11 when the other guys I think the fact that it united the food was fantastic news possible to delete to the well united on just the amazing landscapes for things which really surprised in you, I do not think that is seeing some of your pictures and in some pictures from the website would help local blinks into. I do not know that I had a mental picture of what would we should winter my Sorensen letter of what that looked like but it is very prettier and use another smells. It is so subtle like there was a range of the year view for your first comment is thinking of something tour was how wonderful they were dead and then later on I think you had women that in the driving through the countryside of Muslim things are much like that you ready you really bad announced that I am one of the things that really struck us on the first few days was driving along freebies to the countryside and you just have these wonderful smiles of jasmine in all revenues this comment and sound words and images driving through these aromas demonize the time but then had two days later, we passed through a couple of moves slightly more rundown towns him. Yet that is a problem with refuse collection in India in that it just does not exist. As far as I could see. So, what people generally do is just better things out behind the house was right in the street, which is find the most exotic of most viscous eaten by the canals, which is wonderfully everywhere, but that does not plan to mismanage and I have to say nobody can defend some of the Indian countryside in general. It is not in a business where love is my misery is generally inadequate impression can need them confronting the spider leg and impression you are writing quite a long time during the day. Where are you getting on the bike and when you get off the bike. Well, most days we left it depends how far we have to go to a number of studies, and it is not really sure that I was hundred and 20 glimpses and the longest was submitted 300 months to about sewage provinces have used 120 km and I am thinking there on a freeway and so I am thinking what a little over an hour. I am imagining exactly that is not necessarily be a non-amendment. You have most of the time, these bugs are styled infield, but I do not trust on her going faster than it was about a chief of Clinton's knowledge is one 50 mph and minute MSP infidels are you doing in 100 mph or so he it is not what you can do that speed most the time to think on her face becomes not so in these distances I think the benefits and much comes this Wednesday. September was still paying stop every hour and 10 minutes or so and maybe one half of the lunchtime that when we punish one place that I would left at seven morning so that meant getting up at 532 the dog having breakfast and pretty much as soon as it was like an invite study leaving out the subtle grueling or their inner moments here which are thinking. Why am I a motorcycle in southern India are running projects going on, but this was really like him as a series in the UK to save my company states group discount some of them elevate. But that these troublesome teenagers who have clinics and other peoples I do like the new exit was popular in the value I had images that were not groupies, having been updated in a few days but do not eat you do not let shafted to the generally about between three and five in the afternoon and we were commenting on their does not destroy going to bed at 939, but it was left up in the going up so it is this the best, but driving around in squads and it is much cooler if the focus on something so severely beaten down on the side in an Easter and thousands of how warm the heart was getting the house was about to buy all 35 through seventh grade, which I was in the 90s of their website made it up to a couple times per and spend some time as the companies have stations that this will be to work rules that I can help glad it was cooler side or is the understanding winter predators reticent about this time of year but still traumatized the special Olympic diving trip to influence pretty hot and humid and Woody and wish someone had told you before you and others on what you mean, but I would say not to worry so much in the first few days as the first two days I was just thinking. This is the suicide, and after the driving conditions us our rule, wildly tested.
But Google doing towels and dogs which are not about buses which destroyed straight towards the on the first couple mornings are thinking the above in a life and a nice life in men and women of the representative businesses might have been in the object is realized. There was a comment on other systems, but driving may have been and actions of 30 okay, relax and so do not help you manage citizens without major incident I assume. The vessels were the fewest runs must not fool them in was it every morning, we have available, chap from the leeches subsiding terrain we have had this article comprises one of which was the kind that everybody from the most interesting accident of the previous day. And we had no guide was developed posthumously known as time goes on and really it was you that one guy it is superseded under a blessing already in the legal completely run out of the unit. I am in and see things a guy who talked like that of his bike at the top of this, mounting. This is a good thing for her and one actually got a limit to the amount of on the one guy, he hit some unlikely jump to the bus bomb unexpectedly fell off when Ashby fractured. One of the business for him. Another woman that she fractured her uncle. Some members of the two major degenerative people just tumbling off that anything but the bike starting with monthly, but not a few bruises on, but not nothing to make you not like I was the last two days when it happened. He still is just thinking on my code, and when succumbing to run those thieving bastard worried that this on their own but then I go through unscathed by business. And so would you go back there sometime you see that, are you doing girl Africa and could also were. Is that of a lifetime, been there done that that is the whole Monroe Avenue to get the one-piece love on my festivals if I could I would go about doing it tomorrow and get myself in Enfield and Cairo Monday is given me the confidence to buy the other kids do some much but touring not still nothing is just the best way to set the night we could not see it we will find evidence of transport and either you really are is a settlement like your back in the landscape you & lesson. I have have the confidence in our things Clinton did until my publicity signature program in general Africa and very tempted by this balance is united to that website. I put photos on it and just accept to be stunningly good for his 3000... in the words of a given author of non-academics this stunning scenery such a good introduction to computer. One might otherwise be slightly worried about United doing a trip by this advice is somewhat organized the type we have paramedics writing amongst its units of it when people to come very quickly lose the momentum of shoulder pain accompanying a just as you have confidence on Wednesday known that these guys have spent years funding the most spectacular roots. Otherwise you might never find her she have to be wanting to neighboring traversal along the episode until you something about what might be happening. So, we are going about it for the money thinking on what goes on in some 30 things that is not the dominant particular set of generally were a were going to software for Vietnam in and I were on the continent was as I said I am in a nothing happens then I was basically because I was concentrating on to present the most writing, and I was just taking it easy. And if you do not frame of mind than you would get in without any troubles will question. And there was time to stop and take a picture or do to enjoy something is riding passenger via absolutely amazed Rizzo at it in again in the first two days discomfiting out some thoughts go to the press on good press from within in a quickly realized. You can stop emergency something amazing stop on in relief imports and then in the villages just stopped to bike. The multiprocessor woman is the lunch breaks can often have a chat to people because it allows that was the best thing that culture is when you should did have the chance to people and take photographs on in is not this crazy mouth in an economical stop you do have to press on, you do not covet them to be not because the press is certainly not that the people who Sunday but could just race to the end and I think they did not get half as much of the trip is deeply took it easy nonstop for Toledo. In another felt like it or not hunting bison, wonderful, any L-shaped washer of a notice will see words were introduced as you are doing this to him and did I set this up as a gathering place in the beginning that he wanted to give something activity in a patents. Often this is a really good in some model for tourism, because half the money from the chip is an expensive trip and costs through 9000 pounds, which is in some of them. But the idea is that you pay for one of it as much as possible in sponsorship, not the man who sent me this is something the Spanish is the commands of event will be talking about it and they just do not have this concept in front of sponsored runs as principal plants and other non-US but mutating as ambiguous as more common said people -- I think the idea is that you cover the Holocaust. The chip for sponsorship him what I did was I can set while, you know I must have agreed on some of that is so off-topic talk myself a drug that the other half from sponsorship, because even half of your money goes directly to jockeys certain amount is the path I took the night on as they help little while. The world wildlife fund, and what to do that. The project account the target population in India, Monaco charged with the mother Therese charts pool shots to get his that helps kids with HIV in India. I am such a key rent adjustments on the improvement you take that some number that where she met up with these kids have one little girl had HIV, and we are explained how that money goes towards helping to build a center for these people. And I think never got around that he has managed to raise half 1,000,000 pounds, who is running budgeting is such a good casino with another chip of a lifetime billion on Washington, but intimate posted back in country sometimes when things got great way for the something to be run and was driven. Why thank you for coming on a woods, telling them, for we started recording were worried when we talk in a day that had been listing his podcast. It seemed like I should know him because we win, his voice came on the phone. It was a voice I knew but that it is to actually meet you are talking for the first time that life was absolutely an optimistic to protest as well so it is great of a cute picture sharing a little bit about your trip with the my audience away by Noble Glover and your little more about that and your trip if they want to hear more details click wrap up the show today I have one announcement, which is in the process of signing up the first sponsor the podcast. So expect to hear more about that on future shows. I have had some traffic come to the podcast of a couple hundred unexpected listeners to the show this week. And I am afraid that something has happened to give publicity to show that I have not heard about yet. So if you could come over to the discussion boards in common in the show were somehow you are about show that would be terrific to wrap up the show tonight I am going to leave you with a song from garage band.com and the song is motorbike and the group is local radio.
вторник, 16 декабря 2008 г.
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